If you believe that professional and immediate care needs to be taken, consider calling the local emergency number 112. This number connects you to emergency services, ensuring swift assistance and professional care.

Berliner Krisendienst
The Berlin Crisis Service provides fast and professional assistance for issues including psychosocial crises and acute mental and psychiatric emergencies.
The Berlin Crisis Service provides fast and professional assistance for issues including psychosocial crises and acute mental and psychiatric emergencies.
Schwulenberatung Berlin
A highly professional and skilled team of doctors, educators, health scientists, pedagogues, psychologists, psychotherapists, social scientists and social workers, administrators, as well as many volunteers and freelancers, some of them with a migration or refugee background.
A highly professional and skilled team of doctors, educators, health scientists, pedagogues, psychologists, psychotherapists, social scientists and social workers, administrators, as well as many volunteers and freelancers, some of them with a migration or refugee background.
Counselling Center for Women* in Berlin
They offer advice from, and for, women* in many different crisis and problem situations. They also run an Anti-Stalker project to help if you feel bothered, harassed or threatened. Their consultants* are on your side and you are subject to regulatory or statutory confidentiality without exception.
Counselling Center for Women* in Berlin
They offer advice from, and for, women* in many different crisis and problem situations. They also run an Anti-Stalker project to help if you feel bothered, harassed or threatened. Their consultants* are on your side and you are subject to regulatory or statutory confidentiality without exception.
Zentrum für Migranten, Lesben und Schwule (MILES)
MILES offers psychosocial and legal counselling as well as support for LGBTIQ* refugees and people with migration biographies, people who identify as LGBTIQ* BIPoC and their relatives.
MILES offers psychosocial and legal counselling as well as support for LGBTIQ* refugees and people with migration biographies, people who identify as LGBTIQ* BIPoC and their relatives.
They offer help for victims of homophobic violence and/or hate crimes (visit the website of their project MANEO for details).
Counselling on: coming out, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI), gay life in general, relationship issues, drug addiction, anonymous tests for HIV and other STI and much more.
They offer help for victims of homophobic violence and/or hate crimes (visit the website of their project MANEO for details).
Counselling on: coming out, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI), gay life in general, relationship issues, drug addiction, anonymous tests for HIV and other STI and much more.